My Tomato, Your Tomato (Analysing Group Ideas)

Only two of us really were able to share our ideas with everyone, which felt a bit off but I understood because they told me how busy they had been beforehand but they were really helpful, so we all respectively took to play-testing our games extensively. Dan was first whilst I was setting mine up and it was simple, fast and easy to understand which is what you think would be good, but personally there was a need to add an extension to the game to make it a little more engaging but overall still a successful body of work as it was easy to understand.

I set my game up using Uno cards as that was the only alternative I could use specifically because I hadn’t conceived making the cards myself, unless my game was selected, but my one was up next and I chose to use the extended version of the original game.

There were immediate problems which I think in part had to do with my explanation of how to play, because I really didn’t explain myself very well at all, but there were a few questions stated mainly because me being silly where I made two separate card colours for both players being one type which I do admit did cause confusion. I didn’t have enough cards either to support my initial idea. I had to keep track and tell them who won what time so even if the design was good, I really didn’t explain everything in one go and there was a lot to keep track of for both players. It wasn’t simple but it wasn’t too bad as they could play without many instructions stated, but to think of improvements, I feel I could’ve made it all one deck of cards to increase a sense of chance for both players but then additional rules would have to added similarly to Yu-Gi-Oh, so it didn’t really feel like a fighting game.  

Additionally, the orientation of cards didn’t matter because of the cards I used so that didn’t help me either. Overall the idea was nice but also was a lot ot keep track off

So we went with Dan’s idea and made suggestions of adding some types of collectables and finally adding something themed with the Game being a ‘Saloon’ however the purpose of said ‘Saloon’ hadn’t been thought out yet


Playtest, Playtest, PLAYTEST!!!!


Analogue Planning