User Testing

Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to really go over gameplay parts of the Museum so it didn’t develop the full experience I intended and there were a lot of shortcuts with visual bugs, but the main core of the experience was there and worked, including a lot of interaction in various forms allowing players to visit, in this case, only one room which proves the point of a to-scale Virtual Museum Experience, but if I was so sure about it, then I would have to get other people to test it in general. AND THAT’S WHAT I DID!!!!!!!!!!!

Interview Script

So I went to create some documentation to ask questions in regards to Player Experiences. What I aimed to do was to allow the user to really define how they felt. But first I had to understand if this was user new to general VR experiences of not, because then there could be a good deal of bias in that regard, but the one thing I wanted to really achieve is to add un-edited key quotes that were said during use, not to distract the user and to get their raw emotional responses from the test. It’s always best to make sure the user goes and does there own thing so you know the things you prepared and designed make sense and then finally ending it off with actual feedback and any improvements they could suggest.

Because the interview were semi-structured it allowed for some leniency with the method in which I went around asking these very ‘invasive’ questions. At the end of the day it was all about their experience and the best part about it is that they were free to explore, although if any bugs came about (which did happen) would result in restarting the run.

The Results

From the results there were a number of suggestions that were made to make the experience better and some of them were something I did consider making but failed in terms of having time to design and implement these features however, I’m glad that there were also suggestions which I never considered which I felt could actually influence the notion of free exploration more thoroughly. Overall there was a positive reception and user felt the idea had a lot of potential to go forward, but these where the suggestions that stuck with me:

  • Lighting needs to be expressed better to illuminate the environment

  • Some visual bugs

  • Entering Games shouldn’t be instant, rather have the player complete the Puzzle and transport there, add a portal or something to allow the player to access the game with their own free will

  • The People look like ghosts in the environment

These were the main points I saw that gave the issue in general and I’m happy that is the case to which honestly because this is a framework at the end of the day, it helps knowing the it had potential to work further beyond that what I expected and has the potential to really be an immersive experience.


Finale, Presentation and Reflection


Additional Information (More UI Design)