Live Ops Pt 1

Now I’ve started thinking about the Live Ops for our game, luckily I already slightly arose to this idea and the idea for this game is to well…. create more content, specifically more seasonal stuff or anything along those lines.

  • New Maps with each season - This would mean creating and including new mechanics throughout the game which can be related to the season or maybe even be something to do with the aesthetic, for example, different planets our Rangers will explore which can relate to the Season.

  • Seasonal Cosmetic Items - So there needs to be a theme for the season so then it can help decipher exactly what cosmetic items we want for our characters

  • Seasonal Currency - Need to include a new type of currency that is only relevant for the season and then once it’s finished it gone, really introducing the FOMO as part of the design

  • Seasonal Challenges - Incorporating these be how the players will earn the currency alongside the original currency in the game

  • Exclusively paid content - Player must spend money on certain content piece, these will not incorporate anything that effects gameplay, but could include Season Emotes that are different from the ones already on offer at in-game store.

As you could probably tell the season is something that is integral to the overall experience that will be delivered hoping to make the player come back for more as FOMO is a real thing which in turn can lead to more monetisation opportunities. So far the table is very lacklustre but this is the general set-up being produced:

This will be surplus to change including the layout however it needs to be designed and sustained for a year, so a few details need to be added to prepare for the content ahead, not necessarily the content needs to be created, jut concepted so it becomes our plan on how to keep a sustainable game under a GaaS model.

Next Steps

To finish it off basically, I don’t think it can be any simplar than that


Level Design Pt 5


Rewards, Economy and Monetisation Pt.2 (Design Method 3)