The First Assignment/Creation of Team Endgame!
This was the first day of creating content for an Analogue prototype, as this is my first time thinking of such a concept and it really changed my whole outlook on game design at least, it made me understand how to create something simple and really expand on the aspect of rule bound play. Initially with my experience, I already understood how rule bound play works but with the lecture shown to the class explaining it in great detail, I really started to look at some of my favourite games in more detail at least how they could’ve have been presented in an analogue format, without the use of technology, you can really expand the concept by even using people as the subject, and this is what led me to think about some of ideas to pitch and show to my team
I managed to come up with a few concepts to discuss with my team, coming up with at least 3 concepts to increase the scope of what we could make for the prototype. I asked the team to develop basic ideas for the game, not regarding rules at this time so we can choose and theme and then develop rules to accompany the theme
First concept took a fair bit of inspiration from Pokemon, and I wanted to create a simulation of beating a big boss player, whilst taking turns but adding unique buffs in between combat
The second idea involved class based journey through a forest focusing on turn based combat again but incorporating special skills and doing so making it a multiplayer experience
And finally the last one was a rhythm-based fighting game but I was unsure how that would work practically and I wanted to discuss ideas on how to make it unique in the world of analogue play, this is the one I struggled with the most to develop that concept
The main practice I wanted for this was just to collectively brainstorm ideas and eventually figuring out implementation of interaction and play for the player.